Getting Your Home Ready For the Market

Is your house ready to show? A clean, uncluttered, bright and attractive property is more likely to impress a potential buyer. Buyers tend to overemphasize even minor flaws and overestimate the cost of repairs. Our efforts to prepare your home for sale can anticipate those objections and remove potentially costly barriers to achieving the highest price.
The following key steps will enhance the value of most residential properties:
Cleaning — special attention should be paid to bathrooms and kitchens. I can recommend a good commercial cleaning service, if necessary
Repairs — eliminate buyers’ objections before they arise by repairing obvious or noticeable trouble-spots.
Decluttering — an uncluttered, tidy property has significantly more appeal to prospective buyers
Decor — a little interior design advice can enhance the appeal of a property. Short term solutions such as painting, rearranging, culling, furniture and art rental can have a dramatic effect on the price.
You never get a second chance to make a first impression. The first impression of your home has a great impact on both potential buyers and agents. If your home is difficult to show (for example, outdoor lights are turned off, driveways aren’t shovelled or the front door latch is difficult to open), agents may leave it off the list of potential properties they show to buyers. Help the Buyer see the potential of your home: leave on the appropriate lights, consider some flowers, put excess furniture in storage. Placing everything in the basement won’t help the end game either.

House Preparation Goals
Tidy yard — be sure your lawn and landscaping are well manicured, your yard is free of refuse and leaves, the lights are on and any ice and snow is removed from walks and steps.
Let the sun shine in— clean the windows to let your home sparkle, feel more open and large.
Neutral is the common denominator— a quicker sale at a higher price is more likely if you invest in a fresh coat of paint.
Storage spaces—from top to bottom, remove all unnecessary articles from basements, attics, crawl spaces and cupboards. Storage space is at a premium in city homes. Consider a coat of paint in the dark parts of your basement.
Come out of the closet— Keep them neat and organized. Consider closet organizers.
Emphasis on the washrooms— these rooms are especially scrutinized. Clean the fixtures; polish the mirror; check for and repair any water damage; clean or replace discoloured caulking and grout.
A clean kitchen is a must!—clean the fridge, wipe the stove, counter tops and sink and sweep the floor. Buyers will look into cabinets and refrigerators. Let’s give them nothing to talk about.
Create a mood, but be sensible— show off your working fireplace (consider a 3-hour log) and the aroma of simmering spices or fragrant sauces can be inviting (avoid overpowering food smells or too fragrant potpourris).